2 i'm into pillows, i have 7 full sized pillows on my double pillowtop queen sized bed
3 super sharp pencils make me happy, i've got a 60+ year old crank wall mount steel sharpener that moves with me to every place i live
4 i buy one case of thin mint girl scout cookies every year, freeze them and dole them out cautiously like they were gold for the next 12 months
5 i haven't purchased a single piece of furniture in my home, everything is handed down antiques or pieces i was asked to permanently store in plain sight
6 i am a really creative speller, but i can proofread the hell out of anyone else's work
7 i abhor the contracted verb, [ain't] spoken or written, it's going to bother me the rest of this list, that the word is up there
8 i had three brothers (all younger) but one died when i was four. i used to scold him in my head when i had to do all the mowing because he would have been old enough to share in the chores
9 ....we had 2.5 acres and a push mower, dammit Ben
10 number nine is my favorite number, and it's divisible by three which is my second favorite number
11 i love heights and i like to jump off things
12 i have never gambled with my own money... not even those scratch off thingys
13 i'm on my 3rd passport and have visited/lived in 23 countries. i backpacked europe solo for 2 1/2 years when i was 19 (too young to be scared and too stupid to realize i should have never stopped!)
14 in my early thirties, i was a stage hand (in-town concert roadie) for 3 years, as a fun side job. i used to climb 3-5 stories on a wire swing ladder to run truss spots (spot lights hanging over the stage) and had my jeans catch fire once by pyro that went off too close to my rig. my kids were 9 and 6 at the time... i still get cool points for this
15 i'm a fine solderer... i used to solder components onto motherboards for computers for my dad and built my first digital alarm clock from the circuit board up when i was 12... it still works
16 i love, love, love a fine pen, quality paper and good handwriting
17 i believe in karma, murphy's law and gravity..... i've learned to have a healthy respect for electricity and bi-polar, menopausal women
18 i broke a man's nose once, he attacked me, i didn't like it, i also didn't like the feeling of breaking someone's nose... don't make me do it again
19 i drive fast, chicago or tennessee in 4.35 hours fast and i've never had a speeding ticket.
20 i knock on wood religiously anytime i say something like...i've never had a speeding ticket
21 my favorite foods are grilled cheese sandwiches, rhubarb smoked duck, and anything brought to me in bed
22 bubbles and silly string, absolutely two of the best inventions of all time
23 my eyes turn a totally different shade of green if i sit in a sunbeam for a while
24 i clean when i'm really pissed off, lucky for others it doesn't happen that often... less lucky for the house and it's occupants though
25 this should be the best one right? it's the last one... shit, i'm not always great at being put on the spot like this, everything just goes straight out of my head....
26 (25+1) great, now i'm an overachiever